Charging Method of BYD Blade Battery

What is the correct way to charge the BYD Blade battery?

1. Background The BYD Blade Battery is an improved lithium iron phosphate battery, and there are three basic structures inside each battery, the battery cell and the battery pack. BYD Blade battery have been widely used in fields such as…

Characterization and Quantification of Multi-field Coupling in Lithium-ion Batteries Under Mechanical Constraints

Characterization and Quantification of Multi-field Coupling in Lithium-ion Batteries Under Mechanical Constraints

Research Topics:Characterization and Quantification of Multi-field Coupling in Lithium-ion Batteries Under Mechanical Constraints First Author: Xue Cai Corresponding Authors: Caiping Zhang, Weihan Li Affiliated Institutions: Beijing Jiaotong University, RWTH Aachen University Equipment Used: IEST SWE2110 (1T Room Temperature Expansion Testing…

IEST U.S. Tour: Engaging with Users, Supporting R&D!


In April 2024, IEST Product Manager Yi Wang and Overseas Sales Engineer Edward embarked on a one-month customer follow-up trip to the United States. The purpose of this visit was to gain in-depth insights into customers’ experiences and needs when…

IEST Appear at CIBF2024 in Chongqing

IEST Appear at CIBF2024 in Chongqing

IEST will be lots of new products launched at the booth. April.27-29,Drop me a message if you will be there. I will guide you through IEST booth and I can help you during your visit. Booth Contact: Mr Edward/ Ms…

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