1. Principle of electrode wetting
The Lucas-Washburn infiltration model is commonly used to describe the dynamic of liquid absorption in electrode pores, as represented by the equation below, Here, ( h ) denotes the liquid absorption height, ( t ) stands forabsorption time, (c)represents the shape factor for different pore capillaries, ( r) refers to the capillary radius, ( cr ) is a constant termed as the form radius, (θ )stands for the liquid surface tension, and ( η )denotes the liquidviscosity.
2. Applications
2.1 Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS
Key Features:
- Equipped with a high-precision vision testing system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
- In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rateon negative electrode sheets of lithium-ion batteries.
- Applicable Samples: Negative electrode sheets.
- The greater the compacticion of the electrode sheet, the lowerthe porosity, resulting in poorer electrolyte wetting.
2.2 Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS
Key Features:
- Equipped with a high-precision weighing system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
- In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rate on positive and negative electrode sheets of lithium-ion batteries.
- Test Samples: Positive electrode sheets, negative electrode sheets.
- Good overlap among the three sets of electrode sheets,indicat-ing good consistency in electrolyte wetting.
2.3. Electrode Electrolyte Heightlmmersion System-CHT
Key Features:
- Equipped with a high-precision vision acquisition system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
- In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rate onpositive and negative electrode sheets oflithium-ion batteries.
- Test Samples: Positive electrodes, negative electrodes.
- Capable of simultaneous testing of 3 parallel samples, exhibit-ing good consistencyin electrolyte wetting.
Updated on Jan. 8, 2025
1. Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS
Application Case:
- Comparison of liquid absorption heights for negative electrode sheets with different compaction densities. Wettability of four different compaction density electrodes: 1(1.35g/cm³)>2(1.5 g/cm³)>3(1.6 g/cm³)>4(1.65 g/cm³)
2. Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS
Application Case:
- Trimming three sets of negative electrode sheets from the same batch (65*70mm)
Updated on Jan. 8, 2025
Updated on Jan. 8, 2025
Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS
Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS
Electrode Electrolyte Heightlmmersion System-CHT
Updated on Jan. 8, 2025