IEST Electrolyte Wetting Testing System(EWS/ETS/CHT)

Introduction: Combining the visual acquisition system and the capillary action of the electrolyte to evaluate the wetting differences of different electrodes, electrolytes, diaphragm formulations and processes.


  1. Based on the principle of capillary diffusion of electrolyte in the electrodes and separators, quantitatively evaluate the difference in electrolyte infiltration;
  2. Equipped with high-precision mechanical control and visual acquisition system, the test is stable and efficient;
  3. Suitable for evaluation of infiltration differences of different electrodes, electrolytes, separator formulas and processes;
  4. Characterize the infiltration rate of electrolyte in the sample in real time.


  • Electrolyte: Performance Evaluation
  • Electrode: Consistency Assessment
  • Optimization of material: Electrode Surface Treatment Processes

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1. Principle of electrode wetting

The Lucas-Washburn infiltration model is commonly used to describe the dynamic of liquid absorption in electrode pores, as represented by the equation below, Here, ( h ) denotes the liquid absorption height, ( t ) stands forabsorption time, (c)represents the shape factor for different pore capillaries, ( r) refers to the capillary radius, ( cr ) is a constant termed as the form radius, (θ )stands for the liquid surface tension, and ( η )denotes the liquidviscosity.

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2. Applications

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2.1 Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS

Key Features:
  • Equipped with a high-precision vision testing system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
  • In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rateon negative electrode sheets of lithium-ion batteries.
  • Applicable Samples: Negative electrode sheets.
  • The greater the compacticion of the electrode sheet, the lowerthe porosity, resulting in poorer electrolyte wetting.

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2.2 Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS

Key Features:
  • Equipped with a high-precision weighing system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
  • In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rate on positive and negative electrode sheets of lithium-ion batteries.
  • Test Samples: Positive electrode sheets, negative electrode sheets.
  • Good overlap among the three sets of electrode sheets,indicat-ing good consistency in electrolyte wetting.

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2.3. Electrode Electrolyte Heightlmmersion System-CHT

Key Features:
  • Equipped with a high-precision vision acquisition system for stable and efficient testing repeatability.
  • In-situ real-time characterization of electrolyte wetting rate onpositive and negative electrode sheets oflithium-ion batteries.
  • Test Samples: Positive electrodes, negative electrodes.
  • Capable of simultaneous testing of 3 parallel samples, exhibit-ing good consistencyin electrolyte wetting.

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Updated on Jan. 8, 2025


1. Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS

Application Case:

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  • Comparison of liquid absorption heights for negative electrode sheets with different compaction densities. Wettability of four different compaction density electrodes: 1(1.35g/cm³)>2(1.5 g/cm³)>3(1.6 g/cm³)>4(1.65 g/cm³)

2. Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS

Application Case:

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  • Trimming three sets of negative electrode sheets from the same batch (65*70mm)

Updated on Jan. 8, 2025


IEST Electrolyte Wetting Testing System - Gravimetry Method

Updated on Jan. 8, 2025


Electrode electrolyte capillary wetting system-EWS

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Electrode electrolyte weight immersion system-ETS

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Electrode Electrolyte Heightlmmersion System-CHT

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Updated on Jan. 8, 2025


IEST Electrolyte Wetting Measurement SystemIEST Electrolyte Wetting Testing System(EWS/ETS/CHT)

Updated on Jan. 8, 2025

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