IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000)

Brand: IEST

Product origin: Xiamen

Delivery time: About 6-8 weeks after placing the order

Test object: Lithium battery positive and negative electrode materials

Test particle size: Single particle size: 5~50μm

Application: Testing the crushing strength of battery material particles can be used to evaluate the pressure resistance of the material and guide the rolling process. Materials with high mechanical strength will have better subsequent cycle stability.

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IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000) IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000) IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000) IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000) IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000) IEST Single Particle Force Properties Test System(SPFT2000)

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